My cultural practice extends into public talks, tours, and events, as well as academic teaching and workshops, focussing on access and the arts. I have presented at the likes of Camberwell – University of the Arts London (UAL), the University of Leeds, the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, and Curatorial Reimaginings, the British Art Network’s Annual Conference 2024.

I am open to further opportunities in curation, research, residencies, and public programmes.

Since graduating in 2020, I have regularly written and speak about issues around education, particularly in secondary schools and university campuses. I am interested in how COVID has exposed existing gaps in our education system, and offers an opportunity for reform.

Tortoise ThinkIn: Sensemaker Live: Higher Education after Covid – Tortoise – 29-05-2020

Tortoise Education Summit: Is it time for a revolution in learning? – Tortoise – 22-06-2020

Tortoise Education Summit: Is the traditional university experience the future of education? – Tortoise – 26-01-2021

Tortoise ThinkIn: Should Boris Johnson announce a National Education Emergency? – Tortoise – 23-06-2021